What is GDSN Datapool

What is GDSN Datapool?

Introduction The Global Data Synchronization Network is a game-changing solution for businesses grappling with product data management challenges. It’s a standardized, automated system that enables trading partners to seamlessly exchange accurate, up-to-date product information. Key Takeaways GDSN datapools are central hubs in the Global Data Synchronization Network, facilitating standardized product data exchange between trading partners. […]


How Much Does Bad Product Data Cost You Today?

Introduction How Much Does Bad Product Data Cost You? If you still receive incorrect, incomplete, inadequate provider data from your supply chain partners, this “inaccurate” data is costing you and your suppliers money every day. Do you want to know the true cost of data and how much bad provider data costs you? Continue to […]

GDSN Implementation - Commport Communications

GDSN Implementation: What You Need to Know?

Introduction Define GDSN The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) is a global standard for exchanging product data between manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. GDSN ensures that all parties have access to accurate, up-to-date product information, which is critical for maintaining data integrity, streamlining supply chain operations, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Over the next few […]