What is a GTIN?

What is a GTIN?

GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) can be used by a company to uniquely identify all of its trade items. GS1 defines trade items as products or services that are priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. GS1 Global Registry holds information on who […]

22 Benefits of Integrated EDI - Commport Communications

22 Benefits of Integrated EDI

Integrated EDI enables businesses to transmit documents such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, and other transactions electronically, in a standardized format. This includes document mapping, translation, validation, and communication protocols. It integrates with all ERP systems. Here is the list of 22 benefits of integrated EDI 1. Enhanced Efficiency Integrated EDI eliminates manual data […]

What is EDI Software? - Commport Communications

What is EDI Software?

Define EDI Software EDI software is a tool that converts business data and information to trading partners in a standardized, structured, and paperless format that is compliant with EDI standards. Data such as EDI 850 purchase order and EDI 810 invoice are in document format. Each document type has a standardized layout that displays and […]

What is GLN - Commport Communications

What is a GLN?

A GLN is a Global Location Number and is part of the GS1 systems of standards which is used to identify locations and legal entities. This unique identifier is 13 digits, comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit. What is a GLN used for? GLNs are used to identify parties to […]

Top 18 Benefits of Internet EDI

Top 18 Benefits of Internet EDI

EDI Market Growth in the Next 5 Years Before we dive into these top 18 benefits of internet EDI here are some real-time stats about internet EDI growth in the next 5 years, As per the Fortune business insights The global Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software market size is projected to grow from $1.98 billion […]