Who Uses EDI - Commport Communications

Who Uses EDI?

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) refers to the process of exchanging information electronically in a standardized format. In many cases, it saves thousands of hours (and countless dollars) for businesses with scores of documents to complete and file. Who uses EDI? Here is the answer to the question who uses EDI? EDI has been used in […]

What do we do - Blog

What We Do?

Commport Communications provides a wide range of innovative and comprehensive supply chain management solutions for Electronic Commerce (EC). This includes Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Value Added Networks (VAN), and Global Data Synchronization Networks (GDSN). Explaining what Commport does isn’t the easiest or sexiest thing to try to express especially in an elevator pitch-style conversation. Statements […]

GDSN Implementation - Commport Communications

GDSN Implementation: What You Need to Know?

GDSN is a universally accepted set of data formatting standards that ensures senders and receivers of product data are operating within the same structure and maintaining the highest levels of data integrity. Introduction Over the next few years, retailers requiring their suppliers to provide GDSN-compliant data will be growing exponentially. The major players in U.S. […]

Which EDI solution is best for you?

Which EDI Solution is Best for You?

Introduction So, you’re a manufacturer or supplier of goods. It could be ‘tomatoes’, it could be ‘tires’, it could be school textbooks…let’s just lump it all together as ‘products’. As you’ve probably already discovered, producing or sourcing those products is just the start. Now you’ve got to get them into an environment where they can […]