GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network)

The Definitive Guide

In this GDSN guide explore the benefits of Global Data Synchronization Network for your business, discover industry-specific GDSN programs or learn more about how GDSN benefits for both retailers and suppliers.

Commport- GDSN


This is a complete guide to GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network). In this in-depth guide you’ll learn:

  • Definition & History of GDSN
  • Understanding GDSN data structure
  • How GDSN data sync works
  • Benefits of GDSN
  • ….. and more

So if you’re ready to go “all in” with GDSN, this guide is for you.


Chapter 1

History of GDSN

In this chapter, we will cover:

- Definition of GDSN
- What does GDSN stand for
- History of GDSN

Definition of GDSN

GDSN stands for Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and is the world’s largest product data network. GDSN makes it possible for any company, in any market, to share high-quality product information seamlessly. Because companies of all sizes need the same thing—timely and reliable product information—to ultimately benefit consumers and patients.

GDSN, high-quality product content is uploaded, maintained, and shared automatically, ensuring trading partners have immediate access to the most current and complete information needed to exchange products on both local and global markets.

Any company that needs to send or receive product information can take advantage of GDSN by subscribing to a data pool like Commport Communications. Your data pool will enable you to set up your product content and synchronize it with all your trading partners so you can plug in reliable data for all markets at one time.

Your product content in the GS1 GDSN network will follow the GS1 Global Data Model standard, helping to create a seamless shopping experience across every channel.

The GS1 Global Data Model defines a globally consistent set of foundational product attributes needed to list, store, move, and sell your products. By simplifying and harmonizing the exchange of product data around the world, the GS1 Global Data Model increases operational efficiency for brand owners and retailers and improves data accuracy and completeness for consumers.

History of GDSN

The history of GDSN can be traced back to the late 1990s when the concept of data synchronization was introduced by a group of companies in the retail industry.

In 1998, the Uniform Code Council (UCC), now known as GS1, formed a task force to develop standards for electronic data interchange (EDI) in the retail industry. The task force developed the first version of the GDSN, which was called the Global Registry of Master Data (GRMD). The GRMD was launched in 2004, and it allowed companies to exchange standardized product data with their trading partners.

In 2005, the UCC and EAN International merged to form GS1, a non-profit organization that is now responsible for managing the GDSN. GS1 has since developed and expanded the GDSN to support data synchronization in various industries, including healthcare, food service, and consumer packaged goods.

The GDSN has continued to evolve over the years, with new features and functionalities being added to the system. In 2016, GS1 launched the GDSN Major Release 3, which introduced new data attributes and enhanced the system’s performance and usability. In 2018, GS1 launched GDSN Major Release 4, which focused on improving data quality and increasing the adoption of the system.

Today, the GDSN is used by thousands of companies worldwide to synchronize product data with their trading partners. The system has become an essential tool for businesses looking to streamline their supply chain operations and improve the accuracy and consistency of their product data.

Retailers are increasingly requiring suppliers to “synchronize” their product data through the Global Data Synchronization Network. In the past, suppliers have provided product information through a variety of inefficient communication channels and manual processes, including paper catalogs, retailer-specific forms, online portals, price sheets, and standing offers. This is a significant management burden on suppliers as these manual processes often exist outside of computer systems, so it is difficult to keep the information updated as changes occur over the product life cycle. As a result, retailers are often faced with out-of-date and inaccurate product information in their stores and warehouses. Not having the information, they need, when they need it, can directly correlate to lost sales for the retailer and subsequently lost contracts for the supplier.

The Commport Datapool will enable you to set up your product content and synchronize it with all your trading partners, so you can obtain reliable data for all markets at one time.

GDSN Evolution

When GS1 launched GDSN in October 2004, there were 74,000 items shared among trading partners in 13 countries.

As of 28 February 2023, there are over 40 million items in the Network shared among over 69,000 Trading Partners in 256 countries!

34% average GTIN Increase and 188% average GLN Increase


Since launch of GDSN, 84 Data Pools have certified and joined the GDSN

Today there are 53 Certified Data Pools in the network

Some Data Pools have left the network due to a variety of reasons:

  • DP elected to leave due to market conditions
  • DP de-certification due to lack to adherence to Certification criteria
  • DP mergers or consolidations

Chapter 2

Understanding the GDSN Structure

In this chapter, we will go review:

- GDSN structure
- GS1 Terminologies
- Who can use GDSN

Understanding the GDSN Data Structure

Before we learn about how GDSN works. Let’s talk more about GDSN data structure and GDSN terminologies.

The GDSN data structure consists of several components, including:

  • Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): A unique identifier assigned to each product. The GTIN is used to identify the product and retrieve its associated data from the GDSN.
    Attributes: Data elements that describe the characteristics of the product, such as its name, brand, dimensions, weight, and packaging.
  • Codes: Standardized codes that identify specific values for certain attributes. For example, the country of origin can be represented by a two-letter ISO country code.
  • Relationships: Connections between products that indicate how they are related to each other. For example, a product may have a parent-child relationship with another product, indicating that it is a variant or extension of the other product.
  • Validations: Rules and constraints that ensure the quality and consistency of the data. For example, the length and format of certain attributes may be restricted to ensure that they conform to industry standards.

The GDSN data structure is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different industries and product categories. Companies can use the standard attributes and codes provided by GS1 or create their own custom attributes and codes to meet their specific needs. This flexibility allows companies to synchronize product data in a way that is relevant and meaningful to their business and trading partners.


List of GDSN Terminologies

  • GS1 global registry
  • Interoperability
  • Global location number (GLN)
  • Global trade item number (GTIN)
  • Global product classification (GPC)
  • Trading partner agreement (TPA)
  • Target market (TM)
  • GS1 data quality framework
  • GDSN digital content
  • GDSN Attributes
1. GS1 Global Registry
  • The GS1 Global Registry is GDSN’s “yellow pages directory” that provides information for subscription sharing.
  • Enables data pool interoperability.
  • Guarantees uniqueness of the registered items and parties
    Ensures all data pools in the network are complying with a common set of validation rules that support GDSN data integrity.
  • Holds information on who subscribed to trade items or party data using Global Location Numbers (GLN), Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN), Global Product Classifications (GPC) and Target Market (TM) as identifiers.
2. Interoperability

Data pools must pass the GS1 GDSN Interoperability Tests with all data pools for mandatory functionality as contained in the GDSN Certification Event process. Each of the 42 certified data pools must maintain production-level connections to all other certified data pools, post-certification. This helps ensure a fully interoperable GDSN landscape to meet the business needs of retailers and manufacturers globally.

3. Global Location Number (GLN)

A GLN is a Global Location Number and is part of the GS1 systems of standards which is used to identify locations and legal entities. This unique identifier is 13 digits, comprised of a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit.

All data sources and data recipients must have a GLN to operate in the GDSN.

What is GLN used for?

GLNs are used to identify parties to business transactions; functional groups within a company; or real, physical “places” that might ship, receive, process, or hold inventories.

Legal Entities:

whole companies; subsidiaries or divisions within a company; health system corporation; etc.
Functional Entities: specific departments within a legal entity, such as an accounting department, purchasing department, hospital pharmacy, etc.

Physical Locations:

manufacturing facility, distribution center, warehouse, dock door, hospital wing, bin location, retail store, etc.

Digital Locations:

An electronic or non-physical address such as an EDI gateway or ERP system

The GLN is a required component for using the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and various types of e-commerce transactions. This global identification system of GS1 helps assure that the GLN placed in a barcode or Electronic Product Code (EPC) is the same information contained in the corresponding electronic documents processed between trading partners.

Benefits of Using GLNs:
  • Improve traceability within the supply chain.
  • Eliminate costs caused by inaccurate data.
  • Save time on manual documentation and data entry.
  • Improve order and invoice process efficiencies.
  • Eliminate the need for proprietary identification codes, which can lead to errors and additional costs
  • Simple: an easily defined data structure with integrity checking that facilitates the processing and transmission of data
  • Unique: GLNs are unique worldwide
  • Multi-Sectional: the nonsignificant characteristic of the GLN allows any location to be identified for any company regardless of its activity anywhere in the world
Where GLNs are used?

Data carriers:
GLNs in barcodes can help to route products to their destination or capture where they came from. The use of EPC®/RFID and readers identified with GLNs can support automatically capturing the movement of goods without the need for line-of-sight scanning or other manual intervention.

Systems and communications:
Sharing information relating to parties and locations using GLN within GS1 standards like EDI and EPCIS will enhance transitional data and physical event data.

4. Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
GTIN Sample

A GTIN is a unique product ID based on an EAN.UCC number that identifies a specific product at a specific level of packaging, examples: Each, Inner, Carton, Pallet:

The GTIN facilitates separate item records for each level of packaging for the same product IF the packaging is the supplier’s standard packaging and IF each level of packaging contains a separate standard EAN.UCC bar code label.

The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) can be used by a company to uniquely identify all of its trade items. GS1 defines trade items as products or services that are priced, ordered, or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. GS1 Global Registry holds information on who subscribed to trade items or party data using Global Location Numbers (GLN), Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN), Global Product Classifications (GPC), and Target Market (TM) as identifiers.

The GTIN can be used to identify types of products at any packaging level (e.g., consumer unit, inner pack, case, pallet, etc.) as it moves through the global value chain to the end user. If a product comes back into the value chain as a re-sold item or needs to be recalled, it can be re-identified by its original GTIN.

Although GTINs are frequently encoded within a barcode, they can also be used on their own (some major online sellers use GTINs to authenticate a product before allowing it to be sold on their platform. GTINs can be used to identify trade items online, for example in catalogs, in electronic messages such as purchase orders and invoices, and embedded in web pages to optimize use by search engines and other information consumers.

Types of GTINs

  • For Retail Point-of-Sale Products, only GTIN-12 and GTIN-13 are approved for retail point-of-sale applications.
  • GTIN-12s can be encoded with UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes.
  • GTIN-13s can be encoded with the EAN-13 barcode symbology.
  • For Logistic units (Inner packs, Cases, and Pallets) consisting of a homogeneous grouping, you can use GTIN-14s or assign GTIN-12s or GTIN-13s.
  • GTIN-14s can only be encoded in the barcode that has a 14-digit capacity. These include ITF-14, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar™, and Data Matrix
Benefits of using a GTIN
  • Improved data quality
  • Reduces confusion by accurately identifying specific products and avoiding duplicates.
  • Fights product counterfeiting
  • Eliminates manual processing which saves time and resources.
  • Increases the efficiency of payment and reporting processes.
  • Provides a permanent record of products that can be leveraged when a product is resold or recalled.
5. Global Product Classification (GPC)

GPC is a product category/class system used by GS1 to ensure each product is classified uniformly everywhere in the GDSN network. The GPC provides trading partners with a common way to classify and group their products using a multi-level hierarchy. UNSPSC codes are available as well.

The GPC standard helps global trading partners to group or categorize products in the same way, everywhere in the world. The resulting common business language is clear and instantly understandable.

The GPC follows a four-tier classification system. The four tiers are Segment, Family, Class, and Brick (with attributes)

Benefits of GPC
  • Provides a common language for category management which speeds up the ability to react to consumer needs.
  • Improves data integrity and accuracy of product set-up, maintenance, and catalogs.
  • Can be cross-referenced to existing proprietary trading partner classification systems.
  • Enables potential usage of Point of Sale (POS) data consolidation.
6. Trading Partner Agreement (TPA)
  • Every entity in the GDSN must sign the TPA.
  • The TPA ensures protection for the Data Source (supplier) data throughout the GDSN.
  • It acknowledges that the Data Source owns the data.
  • It provides legal protection and remedies to the Data source if the data is passed to any other entity other than the Data Source’s authorized and designated Data Recipient(s)
7. Target Market (TM)
  • TM is a country identifier indicating where the item will be sold. This is required because some products sold in different countries use the same bar codes but have unique product differences for the specific TM(s).
8. GS1 Data Quality Framework
  • Forces Data Conformance
  • 602 Automated Validation Rules
  • GS1 Standard Attribute Definitions & Values
  • Data Synchronization ensures the updated flow of vendor data.
  • Data Record Changes & Time-Stamped Transmissions

9. GDSN Digital Content

  • GDSN Image Standards & Systems
  • Marketing & Image Specifications
    GDSN uses URL tags in the GTIN record to deliver digital content: Images, PDFs Documents, Videos, Logos
  • URL Tags: Most Accurate & efficient digital content delivery method: No image to item-matching, No need to store images.
10. Attributes of GDSN

To start with 37 mandatory attributes are required to sync the product data via GDSN. These are classified into 2 types:

  • Attributes required by Global Registry
  • Mandatory GDSN Attributes
BMS ID GDD Name (Business Message Standard [BMS] information)
Mandatory GDSN Attributes
BMS ID Attribute Name (Business name) GDD Name (Business Message Standard [BMS] information)
Base Unit Indicator
Consumer Unit Indicator
Shipping Unit Indicator
Orderable Unit Indicator
Product Hierarchy Level Code
Data Provider Name
Product Information Effective Date/Time
First Ship Date/Time
Packaging Type Code
Product Type Description
Product Description
Brand Name
Gross Weight

Download: GDSN Buyers Guide

Empower your business with global data synchronization; download our GDSN Buyer's Guide today and take the first step towards streamlined, accurate, and compliant product data management.

Chapter 3

How GDSN Data Sync Works

In this chapter, we will be explaining 'How GDSN Works'

We will also cover why GDSN is important for your business.

Let's get started!

How GDSN Works
Step 1

The information supplier loads the product and company information in its data pool which validates the data

Step 2

The data pool sends key information about the supplier and product data to the GS1 Global Registry

Step 3

An information recipient through its own data pool subscribers to receive the information
The recipient data pool will forward the subscription to the GS1 Global Registry which in turn will forward the subscription to the source data pool.

Step 4

The information supplier’s data pool matches the publication with a subscription. This is called the pub sub Match.
The source data pool then sends the matching data to the recipient’s data pool.
The recipient’s data pool publishes the matching data to the recipient.

Step 5

The recipient reviews the data received from the supplier and sends a confirmation message to the supplier via the source data pool.

The two main building blocks of GDSN are:

  1. GS1 Global Registry
  2. Data pools
GS1 Global Registry
GS1 GDSN Certified Data Pools

Within the GDSN, items are identified using a unique combination of GS1 identification keys and target market, the country where the item is intended to be sold.

The two GS1 identification keys are:

  • GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)
  • GLN (Global Location Number)

The GDSN enables manufacturers and sellers of goods to harmonize information about their products with their customers. Retailers and other buyers of goods subscribe to vendor catalogs and receive updates on them.

These updates are triggered when new items are added, existing items change, or items are discontinued. All kinds of data points can be synchronized, from identifiers such as UPC codes and vendor part numbers to descriptions and dimensions, and images. Data Pools’ facilitate the sharing of data by ensuring that the product information is formatted correctly and managing the subscriptions and publication of data.

Manufacturers and sellers benefit by having only one catalog to maintain and update. Buyers benefit from having item information continuously updated to ensure it is correct and current.

Unlike a closed data pool or product registry, the GDSN is a global network where buyers and sellers are free to choose any of the approximately 53 certified data pools as their provider, independent of whom their trading partner has chosen. And the standards are global, enabling the sharing of product data in multiple languages and across national boundaries.

The use of global standards within the GDSN ensures that a manufacturer or seller of goods can easily populate their GDSN catalog once and share that information with customers around the world. This eliminates the need for ‘local’ attributes based on one country or region. For buyers, global standards mean that they will receive the same data points from suppliers anywhere in the world. Committees from all industries and countries with representatives from both supplier and buyer organizations met to develop these standards.

Why Should We Synchronize Product Data?
What Happens If We Don’t Synchronize the Product Data?
Importance of Data Quality
Characteristics of High Quality Master Data:
  • Complete – All required values and available optional values about the product or service has been populated.
  • Consistent – Data values are aligned across any system that has any information about the product or service (Eg brand name, brand owner name have the same spelling and capitalization across the product group).
  • Accurate – Data values correctly portray the product or service. (Eg ensuring net content and unit of measure match the product label)
  • Time-Stamped – The validity time frame of the data is clear.
  • Based on Industry Standard – Data conforms to the industry standards
Sustainable Data Quality
List of Industries Supported by GDSN
How it All Fits Together
How-it-fits-together-within GDSN

Download: GDSN Buyers Guide

Empower your business with global data synchronization; download our GDSN Buyer's Guide today and take the first step towards streamlined, accurate, and compliant product data management.

Chapter 4

How to Choose the Right GDSN Provider for Your Business

In this chapter, we will be explaining 4 steps process to choose a right GDSN provider

We will also cover details of what is GS1 GDSN certified datapool provider and its importance.

Lets get started!

GDSN is a universally accepted set of data formatting standards that ensures senders and receivers of product data are operating within the same structure and maintaining the highest levels of data integrity.

Over the next few years, retailers requiring their suppliers to provide GDSN-compliant data will be growing exponentially. The major players in U.S. retail are already mandating it, and it’s just a matter of time before it works its way through the system to include every national and regional chain in Canada and the U.S.

If you’re a supplier that is currently selling to a national or regional chain, or if you have plans to start in the near future, it’s in your best long-term interest to start laying the groundwork to provide GDSN-compliant product data. Here are a few tips on selecting a GDSN-certified and ensuring that your transition to this new industry standard goes smoothly.

4 Step Process to Get Started with GDSN
1. Choosing Your GDSN Provider

For buyers and sellers just entering the world of GDSN, the most important factor in deciding which provider to utilize is that you do not have to use the same GS1certified GDSN provider as your trading partners. By definition, all GDSN certified data pool providers can seamlessly interact and exchange data with one another.

That opens up the field considerably. Although there only a handful of GDSN-compliant solution providers operating in North America right now, the number is expected to grow significantly over the next few years, and with it will come a wide variety of fee structures, solution options and service levels. These are the elements you should be focusing on.

2. GDSN Pricing

Compare competing pricing plans – upfront sign-up cost, usage fees and annual maintenance charges. You’ll be surprised at how many ways there are to pay for services that essentially have the same end result! Choose a plan that best suits your business needs based on your product line, and future plans. A quality GDSN provider will act as a consultant, helping you to make the right decisions for your company’s implementation.

3. Comprehensive GDSN Solutions

Consider the GDSN solutions offered by a provider. Does their product offering meet all your needs or will you be forced to bring in other partners to achieve your goals? Are they targeting their platform toward large multinational traders or the SME market? Is it industry-specific or adaptable to wider uses? Does their GDSN solution need to be integrated into your existing IT infrastructure or is it hosted remotely and accessed through a PC via the internet? What kind of reporting options do they offer? Have they invested in developing and updating their own proprietary platform or are they reselling another company?

Lastly, as with any company you’re considering doing business with, investigate their operations. Ask to speak to current clients to learn about their experiences with set-up and training, ongoing customer service support, and continuous improvements to the application.

4. GDSN Implementation

Of course, deciding on a GDSN-compliant provider is just the beginning. Now it’s time to make any necessary adjustments to your current methods of managing product data, integrate the new GDSN platform into your daily business, and establish the data pipeline with your trading partner.

The best GDSN providers view themselves as true business partners and will be with you every step of the way here. Their expertise will prove invaluable in preparing a comprehensive project plan that explains every step of the process, allocates responsibilities, and outlines expected completion dates from the first training session right through to the final item synchronization. Also, look for a GDSN solution partner that assigns dedicated support staff to each project. There’s nothing better than being on a first-name basis with the resources that are helping you prepare your business for the next chapter in its success!

Chapter 5

Commport GDSN Datapool for Retailers & Suppliers

In this chapter, we will be explaining how to get started with Commport GDSN Datapool.

We will also cover the importance of Commport GDSN Datapool Solution for retailers and suppliers.

Let's jump right in!

How the GDSN Works

Commport supports both supply and demand side trading partner needs, delivering comprehensive and customized GDSN data pool solutions.

Commport’s Datapool Solution provides businesses with a complete range of GDSN data pool options. In addition to the datapool itself, our experienced team will help determine the best solutions for your immediate business needs while laying a foundation for future growth.

Commport GDSN Datapool for Buyers

Retailers are an important link in the supply chain, connecting suppliers with end consumers. Providing a reliable supply of products to retail customers means maintaining an equally reliable flow of product data in their relationship with their suppliers. Global Data Synchronization (GDS) is a key strategy in this process.

A Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) data pool or data feed automates the flow of product data in real time between retailers and their suppliers, creating more efficiency for greater cost-effectiveness.

Tactically, retailers participate in Global Data Synchronization by subscribing to their suppliers’ data through a certified datapool. This subscription allows them to receive automated updates on supplier and product information for up-to-the-minute visibility.

Commport Datapool offers unique features to enable retailers to manage their data synchronization initiative. As a GDSN-certified datapool, Commport offers full GDSN access along with our comprehensive Message Center. This detailed view enables retailers to manage and track their data synchronization initiative with their supplier community, providing real time visibility into the communications process quickly and easily.

The Commport Datapool provides comprehensive and flexible integration options allowing retailers to define the global data sync model that works best for them. Commport’s experienced team works with individual retailers to identify their specific integration, data management and supplier community-enablement model. Our support encompasses consulting and project management to help retailers become part of the GDSN.

Commport GDSN Datapool for Suppliers

Suppliers know the products they are selling better than anyone else. Not only are they the source of products in the supply chain, but they are also the source of the information about those products. The key for suppliers is to have high-quality product master data and to communicate it efficiently and effectively with all customers using Global Data Synchronization.

Commport Datapool offers unique features to enable suppliers and supply-side organizations to easily onboard, manage and synchronize their item data with their demand-side customers.

Easy and flexible GDSN data pool onboarding:

Commport offers a number of tools and solutions whereby suppliers can upload their item data into the GDSN data pool, including:

  • Bulk upload templates
  • XML
  • Customized Spread Sheets
  • Flat Files
  • Manually keying data into the online Item Entry Wizard
How to Upload a New Product to GDSN Datapool

Creating a new product in the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) involves several steps. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  • Obtain a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): The GTIN is a unique identifier assigned to each product. If you do not already have a GTIN, you will need to obtain one from GS1, the organization responsible for managing the GDSN.
  • Collect product information: Collect all the necessary information about your product, such as its name, description, dimensions, weight, packaging, and any other relevant attributes.
  • Map product information to GDSN attributes: Use the GS1 Global Data Dictionary to map your product information to the standard GDSN attributes. Make sure to use the correct codes and formats for each attribute to ensure that your data is compliant with industry standards.
  • Create a GDSN product data record: Use a GDSN-certified data pool provider to create a new product data record in the GDSN. You will need to provide your GTIN and the mapped product information to the data pool provider.
  • Validate and publish your product data: The data pool provider will validate your product data to ensure that it meets GDSN standards. Once your data is validated, you can publish it to the GDSN, making it available to your trading partners.
  • Maintain your product data: It is important to keep your product data up to date and accurate. You should regularly review and update your product information as needed to ensure that it remains relevant and compliant with industry standards.

Note that the exact steps and requirements for creating a new product in the GDSN may vary depending on your industry and region. It is recommended that you work with a GDSN-certified data pool provider like Commport which offers the flexibility for suppliers to integrate their Product Information Management tasks with their GDSN data pool activities.

Here are the steps on How to Get Started with Commport GDSN Datapool

Step 1: Education

Commport Datapool will provide the information you need to make an informed decision in becoming GDSN compliant with your trading partner.

Step 2: Account Setup

Commport Datapool will register you, as our customer with GDSN inc. and the Global Registry. We will also create for you your own secure account hosted at our security-audited hosting facility.

Step 3: Training

Commport Datapool offers an online self-guided tutorial which will provide you, as a new Commport Datapool client, with the foundational knowledge you’ll need for the reminder of the project.

Step 4: Data Loading Guidance

As a part of our service, a dedicated customer support representative will take you through the data loading process on approximately twelve sample items.

Step 5: Data Verification

Once you have loaded the balance of the product information into the system, our Customer Support Representative will review your file for GDSN standards compliance and an automated verification occurs.

Step 6: Project Successfully Completed

Once your data has been registered with the Global Registry, and the data has been successfully synchronized with your trading partner, you and Commport Data pool agree on the project’s completion.

Download: GDSN Buyers Guide

Empower your business with global data synchronization; download our GDSN Buyer's Guide today and take the first step towards streamlined, accurate, and compliant product data management.

Chapter 6

Benefits of GDSN

In this chapter, we will be exploring the benefits of GDSN for both retailers and suppliers.

GDSN makes product data exchange easy between retailers and suppliers by providing a real time data sync to most up to date information at all times.

Let's explore the benefits of GDSN!

  • Accurate and standardized product data: GDSN ensures that product data is accurate and follows standardized formats, reducing errors and inconsistencies.
  • Faster time to market: GDSN facilitates faster product launches by providing real-time product data to trading partners.
  • Improved supply chain efficiency: GDSN enables businesses to automate data exchange with their trading partners, reducing the time and cost involved in manual data entry.
  • Increased sales: Accurate and comprehensive product data provided through GDSN can increase sales by improving customer experience and reducing product returns.
  • Enhanced brand visibility: GDSN enables businesses to provide detailed product information to consumers through online marketplaces, improving brand visibility.
  • Improved compliance: GDSN ensures that businesses meet regulatory requirements for product information and labeling.
  • Reduced data management costs: GDSN eliminates the need for businesses to manage multiple data formats and exchange protocols, reducing data management costs.
  • Improved accuracy of orders: GDSN ensures that product data is accurate, reducing errors in order fulfillment.
  • Increased data transparency: GDSN provides businesses with real-time access to product data, increasing data transparency.
  • Improved collaboration with trading partners: GDSN facilitates collaboration between businesses and their trading partners, improving supply chain efficiency.
  • Reduced product returns: GDSN reduces product returns by providing accurate and comprehensive product information to customers.
  • Improved customer experience: GDSN provides customers with accurate and comprehensive product information, improving customer experience.
  • Improved data quality: GDSN facilitates data quality management by providing data quality reports and analytics.
  • Improved data governance: GDSN provides businesses with a centralized system for managing product data, improving data governance.
  • Increased competitive advantage: GDSN enables businesses to provide accurate and comprehensive product information to customers and trading partners, increasing their competitive advantage. of GDSN
Benefits to Data Sources (brand owners / manufacturers)
Benefits to Data Recipients (Retailers / Marketplaces)
Benefits to Healthcare

The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) is a standardized system that enables businesses to share accurate and up-to-date product information with their trading partners. GDSN provides businesses with a range of benefits, including improved supply chain efficiency, reduced costs, increased sales, improved customer experience, and enhanced brand visibility. By providing accurate and standardized product data, GDSN can help businesses launch products faster, reduce errors in order fulfillment, and comply with regulatory requirements for product information and labeling. With the increasing importance of data accuracy and transparency in the global marketplace, GDSN is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve their supply chain operations and gain a competitive advantage.


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