Specialized Integration Solutions

Commport's Specialized Business Integration aims to synchronize information technology (IT), business cultures, and business objectives to align technology with your business's strategy and goals. Commport’s team of highly qualified and experienced IT professionals deliver solid technical & business skills whilst using an agile delivery approach to deliver quick and efficient integration solutions.

Commport Specialized Services

Helping businesses solve B2B integration challenges

So you want to automate collection of information from various external organizations with disparate information systems but:

You don’t have the IT resources available to create, manage and maintain numerous custom integration points for each external organization.


This information needs to be validated and standardized to feed into your organization’s Enterprise systems.


You don’t have the clout to push this upstream and have external organizations meet your defined standard with any reliable level of consistency. 

You want this automation in real-time.

You want this automation to be secure

Commport Communications’ Integration (CCI) Services is the only Enterprise Application Integration system specifically designed to address cross-organization integration challenges.  Built on Commport’s 35+ years of experience making business-to-business (b2b) connections, our CCI Service was specifically designed to address your b2b integration challenges.


What Does CPIS Provide You?

  • Manages the communications with an unlimited number of external organizations in any methodology chosen by each individual organization (support AS2, SOAP/web service messages, VPN tunnels, sFTP….)
  • Validation and standardization of disparate message / document / transaction formats to fit your information systems requirements with customizable error handling enabling issues to be passed to your organization or back to each external organization – or have Commport handle initial investigation
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  • Utilizes leading edge service oriented architecture to process messages in real-time resulting in end-to-end validation, standardization and transmission in a matter of minutes
  • Handles multiple types of messages meeting any use case to integrate to and from enterprise system
  • Fully encrypted with optional data scrubbing 
  • Monitoring tools provide a view into the system to ensure everything is flowing as expected and enable self-help to investigate issues
Ready to take your next step with Commport Communications? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your business.


What People Say About Us

Discover the transformative impact of our EDI, CPS, and VAN solutions through the powerful testimonials of satisfied clients who have experienced remarkable results with Commport products and services.


Frequently Asked Questions

Specialized Business Integration aims to synchronize information technology (IT), business cultures, and business objectives to align technology with your business’s strategy and goals

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) works over the Secure Shell (SSH) data stream to establish a secure connection that provides a high level of protection for file transfers, file access, and file management over any reliable data stream. SFTP implements AES, Triple DES, and other algorithms to encrypt data that flows between systems

AS2 stands for Applicability Statement 2 and is a B2B messaging protocol used to transmit Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents from one organization to another safely, cheaply and quickly.

AS2 is a universal method for transporting data used by millions of businesses worldwide, including most major retailers, such as Amazon and Walmart.

AS2 is one of the most popular methods for transporting data, especially EDI data, securely and reliably over the Internet. AS2 communications will often use certificates to secure data via encryption, based on public and private keys.

SFTP is the top choice, due to its strong authentication capabilities, and its firewall-friendly nature.

SOAP stands for ( Simple Object Access Protocol ) is a communication protocol designed to communicate via Internet. SOAP allows distributed elements of an application to communicate.

A VPN tunnel is an encrypted link between your computer or mobile device and an outside network. A VPN tunnel connects your smartphone, laptop, computer, or tablet to another network in which your IP address is hidden and all the data you generate while surfing the web is encrypted.

Three Types of VPN Tunnel:

  • PPTP (Point-to-Point
  • Tunneling Protocol)
  • L2TP
  • Open VPN


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