EDI ERP Integration

The Definitive Guide

This is a complete guide to EDI ERP integration.

In this in-depth guide you’ll learn:

  • Introduction to EDI ERP Integration
  • Understanding EDI & ERP
  • Benefits of EDI ERP integration
  • Planning for EDI ERP integration
  • Implementation & best practices

Let’s dive right in!

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In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of ERP EDI integration, providing you with all the information you need to successfully implement this powerful combination. From understanding the basics of ERP and EDI to outlining the advantages of integration and offering practical implementation tips, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to optimize your business processes and drive success.


Chapter 1


In this chapter, we will talk about the following topics:

-The Importance of ERP EDI Integration

- Advantages of an Integrated Approach

Let’s dive right in!


EDI ERP Integration - Commport Communications


In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations must leverage technology to streamline their operations and stay competitive. This is where ERP and EDI come into play. ERP systems help businesses manage various aspects of their operations, including finance, procurement, inventory, and customer relationship management. On the other hand, EDI enables the seamless exchange of electronic documents, such as purchase orders and invoices, between trading partners.

The Importance of ERP EDI Integration

While ERP and EDI are powerful tools on their own, integrating them can unlock numerous benefits for organizations. ERP EDI integration allows for the seamless flow of data between these systems, eliminating manual data entry, reducing errors, and speeding up business processes. By combining the strengths of ERP and EDI, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and visibility throughout their supply chain.

Advantages of an Integrated Approach

The advantages of ERP EDI integration are far-reaching.

  1. Integrated systems ensure data accuracy by automating the exchange of information between trading partners and ERP systems, reducing the risk of errors caused by manual data entry.
  2. Accelerates business cycles by automating document processing and eliminating bottlenecks, enabling organizations to respond faster to customer demands.
  3. Improves supply chain visibility by providing real-time access to data from both ERP and EDI systems, allowing organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their operations.
  4. Integration enhances customer satisfaction by improving order accuracy, reducing processing times, and providing better visibility into order status.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into ERP and EDI, their benefits, and the advantages of integrating these two powerful systems. We will also discuss the planning and implementation process for ERP EDI integration, along with best practices

Chapter 2

Understanding ERP and EDI

In this chapter, we will talk about the definition for EDI and ERP.

The relationship between them, and many more!

In the following chapters, we will discuss some of the important benefits of EDI ERP integration.

Let's get started!

Considering Moving to a New ERP System - Commport Communications

Before delving into the benefits and challenges of ERP EDI integration, it’s important to have a solid understanding of ERP and EDI individually and how they work together.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) have become vital tools for organizations looking to streamline their operations and enhance communication with trading partners. ERP solutions centralize data and automate business processes, while EDI facilitates the exchange of electronic documents between businesses. Integrating ERP with EDI can bring about significant benefits, including enhanced data accuracy, accelerated business cycles, improved supply chain visibility, and higher customer satisfaction.

What is ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to a suite of integrated applications that organizations use to manage their core business processes. These processes can include finance, procurement, production, sales, and customer relationship management. ERP systems aim to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and provide a single source of truth for organizational data.

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standardized method of exchanging business documents electronically between trading partners. EDI allows for the seamless transfer of data, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, in a structured format that can be easily understood by both sending and receiving systems. EDI eliminates the need for paper-based documents and manual data entry, reducing errors and speeding up business transactions.

The Relationship Between ERP and EDI

ERP and EDI go hand in hand when it comes to managing business processes and data exchange. ERP systems are responsible for generating the documents that are shared through EDI, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices. On the other hand, EDI platforms facilitate the translation and transmission of these documents between trading partners, ensuring seamless communication and efficient business processes.

In the next section, we will explore the benefits of integrating ERP and EDI, highlighting how this integration can transform your business operations and drive success.

Chapter 3

Benefits of EDI ERP Integration

In this chapter, we will discuss what are the main benefits of EDI ERP Integration.

We will discuss in detail of each benefit.

Let’s begin!

Integrating ERP with EDI brings about numerous benefits for organizations, enabling them to streamline their operations, improve data accuracy, and enhance customer satisfaction. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key advantages of ERP EDI integration.

1. Enhanced Data Accuracy

One of the primary benefits of ERP EDI integration is improved data accuracy. When ERP and EDI systems are integrated, the need for manual data entry and document translation is eliminated. This reduces the risk of errors caused by human intervention and ensures that information is exchanged accurately and efficiently between trading partners and the ERP system. By automating data transfer, organizations can significantly reduce the chances of data discrepancies, improving overall data integrity and the reliability of business processes.

2. Accelerated Business Cycle Speed

Another significant advantage of ERP EDI integration is the acceleration of business cycles. By automating document processing and eliminating manual tasks, organizations can complete business transactions more quickly and efficiently. Purchase orders, invoices, and other critical documents can be exchanged and processed seamlessly, reducing lead times and improving overall operational efficiency. This accelerated business cycle speed enables organizations to respond faster to customer demands, reduce order fulfillment times, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

3. Improved Supply Chain Visibility

Integrating ERP with EDI provides organizations with greater supply chain visibility. When ERP and EDI systems are integrated, real-time access to data from both systems becomes possible. This allows organizations to have a comprehensive view of their supply chain, from order placement to delivery. With enhanced visibility, organizations can monitor inventory levels, track shipments, and identify potential bottlenecks or delays. This real-time information enables proactive decision-making, allowing organizations to optimize their supply chain processes, reduce costs, and improve customer service levels.

4. Higher Customer Satisfaction

ERP EDI integration plays a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction. By automating document processing and improving data accuracy, organizations can reduce errors and delays in order fulfillment. Customers receive accurate and timely information regarding their orders, leading to improved customer service levels. Moreover, organizations can proactively address customer inquiries and provide real-time updates on order status, further enhancing the overall customer experience. With seamless integration between ERP and EDI, organizations can meet customer expectations, build stronger relationships, and drive customer loyalty.

In the next section, we will discuss the planning phase for ERP EDI integration, highlighting the importance of conducting a risk and needs assessment and determining the scope of the integration project.

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Chapter 4

Planning for EDI ERP Integration

Here are some of the important factors

-Internal Risk and Needs Assessment

-Determining the Scope of the Integration Project

-Outsourcing vs. In-house Integration

Let's go into more detail.

Planning is a critical phase in any ERP EDI integration project. It sets the foundation for a successful implementation by identifying risks, understanding integration needs, and aligning the project with organizational objectives. Let’s explore the key steps involved in the planning phase of ERP EDI integration.

1. Internal Risk and Needs Assessment

Before embarking on an ERP EDI integration project, it is essential to conduct an internal risk and needs assessment. This assessment helps identify potential risks, challenges, and opportunities associated with the integration. It also allows organizations to determine their specific integration needs and the expected return on investment. By understanding the risks and benefits, organizations can make informed decisions about the integration process and ensure that it aligns with their overall business objectives.

2. Determining the Scope of the Integration Project

Once the risk and needs assessment is complete, organizations need to determine the scope of their ERP EDI integration project. This involves defining the specific ERP interfaces that need to be integrated with the EDI system. It also includes identifying the testing and acceptance criteria for the integration, as well as creating a launch schedule. By clearly defining the scope of the project, organizations can set realistic goals and milestones, ensuring a smooth implementation process.

3. Outsourcing vs. In-house Integration

Organizations also need to decide whether to outsource their ERP EDI integration project or handle it in-house. Outsourcing the integration can be beneficial, as it allows organizations to leverage the expertise of experienced EDI providers. These providers have the knowledge and resources to handle complex integrations and can ensure a smooth implementation process. However, organizations must carefully evaluate potential outsourcing partners and ensure that they have experience with their specific ERP system. Alternatively, organizations can choose to handle the integration in-house if they have the necessary expertise and resources.

In the next section, we will discuss the implementation phase of ERP EDI integration, providing insights into finding the right EDI solution and ensuring compatibility with your ERP system.

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Chapter 5

Implementing EDI ERP Integration

In this chapter, we will be discussing:

- Finding the Right EDI Solution

-Ensuring Compatibility with Your ERP System

- Partnering with an Experienced EDI Provider Like Commport

Let's get started!

Implementing ERP EDI integration requires careful consideration and planning to ensure a successful integration. In this section, we will explore the key steps involved in the implementation process and provide tips for a smooth integration.

1. Finding the Right EDI Solution

The first step in implementing ERP EDI integration is to find the right EDI solution for your organization. This involves evaluating different EDI providers and selecting one that aligns with your integration needs. Look for an EDI solution that offers seamless integration with your ERP system, supports the EDI standards required by your trading partners, and provides the necessary features and functionalities to meet your business requirements. Additionally, consider factors such as scalability, ease of use, customer support, and pricing when evaluating potential EDI solutions.

2. Ensuring Compatibility with Your ERP System

Once you have selected an EDI solution, it is crucial to ensure compatibility with your ERP system. This involves understanding the integration capabilities of your ERP system and determining the integration points between the ERP and EDI systems. Work closely with your ERP vendor or IT team to identify any specific requirements or limitations for integration. Ensure that the EDI solution you choose can seamlessly integrate with your ERP system, allowing for the automated exchange of data between the two systems. This compatibility is essential for achieving a smooth and efficient integration.

3. Partnering with an Experienced EDI Provider

To simplify the integration process and ensure a successful implementation, consider partnering with an experienced EDI provider. An experienced EDI provider will have the expertise and resources to handle complex integrations and can guide you through the implementation process. They can help you configure the integration settings, map data between the ERP and EDI systems, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the integration. By partnering with an experienced provider, you can leverage their knowledge and experience to ensure a seamless and efficient integration.

In the next section, we will discuss best practices for successful ERP EDI integration, providing insights into establishing clear communication channels, defining roles and responsibilities, and setting realistic timelines and milestones.

Chapter 6

Best Practices for Successful Integration and Overcoming Integration Challenges

Here is a list of some of the best practices:

- Establishing Clear Communication Channels

- Defining Roles and Responsibilities

- Setting Realistic Timelines and Milestones

Let's learn more!

Successful ERP EDI integration requires careful planning, effective communication, and a well-defined implementation process. In this section, we will discuss some best practices to consider when integrating ERP with EDI.

1. Establishing Clear Communication Channels

Clear and open communication channels are essential for a successful integration. Ensure that all stakeholders, including IT teams, ERP vendors, and EDI providers, are involved in the integration process from the beginning. Establish regular communication channels to exchange information, discuss progress, and address any issues or concerns that may arise during the integration. By fostering open communication, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the common goal of a successful integration.

2. Defining Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly defining roles and responsibilities is crucial for a smooth integration process. Identify key stakeholders and assign specific tasks and responsibilities to each individual or team involved in the integration. This includes IT teams responsible for configuring the integration settings, ERP vendors providing technical support, and EDI providers assisting with the integration process. By defining roles and responsibilities, you can ensure that everyone understands their roles and is accountable for their tasks, minimizing confusion and avoiding delays.

3. Setting Realistic Timelines and Milestones

Setting realistic timelines and milestones is essential for managing expectations and ensuring a timely implementation. Work with your ERP vendor and EDI provider to develop a project plan that includes specific timelines and milestones for each phase of the integration. Take into account factors such as data migration, testing, and training when setting these timelines. Be realistic about the time required for each task and allow for some flexibility to accommodate unforeseen challenges or delays. Regularly review and update the project plan to ensure that the integration is progressing as planned.

Overcoming Integration Challenges

While ERP EDI integration offers numerous benefits, it can also present some challenges that organizations need to address. In this section, we will discuss some common integration challenges and provide insights on how to overcome them.

1. Legacy Systems and Cloud Migration

One of the main challenges organizations face during ERP EDI integration is dealing with legacy systems and the transition to cloud-based ERP solutions. Legacy systems may have limited integration capabilities, making it challenging to seamlessly integrate with EDI platforms. Similarly, migrating from on-premise ERP systems to cloud-based solutions can introduce compatibility issues that need to be addressed during the integration process. To overcome these challenges, organizations should carefully evaluate the integration capabilities of their legacy systems and consider upgrading to modern ERP solutions that offer robust integration features. Additionally, working with experienced EDI providers who have expertise in integrating with both legacy and cloud-based ERP systems can help overcome these challenges.

2. Data Mapping and Standardization

Data mapping and standardization can be complex and time-consuming during ERP EDI integration. ERP systems and EDI platforms may use different data formats and structures, requiring organizations to map and transform data between the two systems. This mapping process ensures that data is exchanged accurately and in the required format. To overcome data mapping challenges, organizations should work closely with their ERP vendor and EDI provider to develop mapping rules and templates. Additionally, leveraging automation tools and technologies can simplify the data mapping process and reduce the risk of errors.

3. Ensuring Secure Data Transmission

Security is a critical consideration during ERP EDI integration, Utilize encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS for secure data transmission over networks. This ensures that data exchanged between EDI and ERP systems remains confidential and protected from interception. Use secure file transfer protocols such as SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) for transmitting files between the EDI and ERP systems. These protocols provide encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure secure data transmission.

Develop comprehensive security policies governing the integration between the EDI and ERP systems and provide regular training to employees to ensure they understand and adhere to these policies. This helps create a security-aware culture within the organization and minimizes the risk of security breaches due to human error. Conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the integration between the EDI and ERP systems. Address any identified issues promptly to mitigate potential security risks.

Chapter 7

Why Choose Commport as your EDI ERP integration partner?

Commport’s Service Bureau offers managed EDI services built on our strength and expertise

Commport EDI ERP Integration Services

Choosing Commport as your EDI ERP integration partner offers a comprehensive solution backed by over three decades of industry experience. With a team of skilled and experienced professionals, Commport provides expertise in streamlining B2B integration processes since 1985. Our track record speaks to reliability and stability, ensuring seamless integration between EDI systems and ERP software. Commport’s pre-established connections with all major trading partners facilitate smooth communication across supply chains.

Moreover, Commport prioritizes customer satisfaction with world-class support services, offering assistance from implementation to ongoing maintenance. Our solutions are scalable to meet the evolving needs of businesses of all sizes, while industry recognition underscores our commitment to excellence. By partnering with Commport, businesses can achieve cost savings, operational efficiency, and a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market landscape.

New ERP - EDI Needs Assessment - Complete Checklist

Commport EDI ERP Assessment Process

9 Step Checklist,
1. Review

Review the supply chain and logistics components of the new ERP system to ensure you will be able to fully integrate your EDI documents

2. EDI Consulting

Secure the consultative services from your Commport EDI expert at this point in the process to help review the EDI components of the business system you are considering and to advise you on the next steps.

3. Import / Export

Ensure the EDI component of the business system has the ability to import/export data files containing all the information in your documents.

4. Mapping Layouts

Look into whether or not your system has file mapping layouts that identify all data locations in the data file required for import/export documents..

5. File Format Samples

Provide the exact output file format (sample) that you will be creating to import/export to and from your ERP system.

6. Sample Date

Does the ERP system provide sample data files for each transaction required together with the data file map?

7. Best Practices

If the files are not readily available, involve your Commport EDI analyst to consult with your team and the third-party ERP system support in reviewing your supply chain processes, offering recommendations and providing feedback on EDI standards and best practices, as well assisting with mapping your documents

8. Trading Partner Contacts

Ensure you have EDI contacts for all of your Trading Partners.

9. Contact Us 

When in doubt, contact your Commport EDI consultant to help assist you with any of your questions or concerns.

Benefits of Choosing Commport as your EDI Provider

1. Expertise

Commport specializes in EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) integration, bringing extensive expertise to streamline the process and ensure successful implementation.

2. Seamless Integration

With Commport, you can expect seamless integration between your EDI systems and ERP software. This integration enhances efficiency by automating data exchange processes, reducing manual intervention, and minimizing errors.

3. Customized Solutions

Commport understands that each business has unique requirements. They offer tailored solutions to meet your specific EDI and ERP integration needs, ensuring that the solution aligns perfectly with your business processes.

4. Reliability and Security

Commport prioritizes reliability and security in all aspects of its services. You can trust them to handle sensitive data securely, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

5. Ongoing Support

Beyond implementation, Commport provides ongoing support to ensure that your integrated EDI and ERP systems operate smoothly. Their dedicated support team is available to address any issues promptly and keep your business running efficiently.

6. Cost-Effectiveness

By partnering with Commport, you can achieve cost savings through improved operational efficiency, reduced manual labor, and minimized errors. Their solutions are designed to deliver a high return on investment over time.

7. Skilled & Experienced Staff

Commport boasts a team of skilled professionals with years of experience in EDI and ERP integration. Their expertise ensures that your integration project is handled efficiently and effectively, delivering optimal results for your business.

8. Longevity and Track Record

With over three decades of experience, Commport has a proven track record of providing reliable B2B integration solutions. Their longevity in the industry demonstrates stability and a deep understanding of evolving technological trends and customer needs.

9. World-Class Customer Support

Commport prioritizes customer satisfaction by offering world-class support services. Whether you need assistance with implementation, troubleshooting, or ongoing maintenance, their support team is responsive and dedicated to resolving issues promptly.

10. Pre-established Connections

Commport has established connections with all major trading partners, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration across your supply chain network. These pre-established connections save time and effort in onboarding new partners and ensure compatibility with existing systems.

11. Scalability

Commport’s solutions are designed to scale with your business as it grows and evolves. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, their flexible integration solutions can adapt to accommodate changing business requirements and increasing transaction volumes.

12. Industry Recognition

Commport has earned recognition and accolades within the EDI and ERP integration industry for its innovative solutions, exceptional service, and commitment to customer success. Their reputation for excellence further solidifies them as a trusted partner for businesses seeking integration solutions.


ERP-EDI integration is a powerful solution for streamlining business operations, improving data accuracy, accelerating business cycles, enhancing supply chain visibility, and enhancing customer satisfaction. While the integration process may pose challenges, careful planning, and collaboration with experienced partners can ensure a successful implementation.

By seamlessly integrating ERP and EDI, organizations can unlock the full potential of both technologies, optimize their business processes, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Embrace ERP-EDI integration and transform your business operations for increased efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

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